More than just web design.
In the past, Boondoggle has undertaken a limited number of web/interactive design and development efforts on behalf of our clients. We build and develop beautiful sites with user experience (UX) streamlined for search engine optimization (SEO). Sites are designed to be fully responsive, adjusting to accommodate a wide array of desktop, tablet, and mobile screen sizes, all while being innovative and beautiful – because why not?
Boondoggle is no longer accepting new interactive clients, but below are a few of our favorite projects from the past.
Black Public Media
A radical resign of Black Public Media’s central website, which dramatically streamlined traffic to their various projects and initiatives. Black Public Media funds and distributes media content about the Black experience, and provides training and professional development to independent producers of color.
BPM Producer’s Portal
This solution was built from the ground up to authenticate, track, and review applicants and applications for BlackPublicMedia.org’s various awards and grants.
Public Media Corps
Boondoggle delivered bold, attention grabbing colors to capture the exuberance of this youth oriented public service initiative.
(Mostly) Public Radio
Official destination for the satirical radio network, this design boasted a header which used CSS3 animation to change based on time of day, and shifted perspective based on user scrolling. The first of its kind companion iPad site used first of its kind HTML5 to responsively scale to various devices and resolutions, which Mashable called “Stellar!”
Blackline Magazine
This bold HTML5 based iPad magazine eschewed the traditional Apple app store approach to apps in order to grant the publisher an oversight free, and cost effective tablet experience which Mashable called “stellar!”
Make Better Software
Designed to echo the modern, friendly environment of client Fog Creek Software, this minimalist design defers to the simple awesomeness of the company and product.